AI Usage

Everything you read on this website is written by me, personally, and will never be written by an AI.

In general, I'm not opposed to AI. I find LLMs to be useful tools for certain aspects of my job as a software engineer. I may even write about AI and how I use it on the job in a post for this blog. But AI will not assist me in the writing of it.

I recognize that there are probably ways to use generative AI in writing that are ethically sound, but it doesn't work for me. Not only do I find generative AI to be incredibly distracting as I write, with its regurgitations of nonsense that have nothing to do with what I'm saying, but it doesn't align with my core principles of being genuine and authentic either.

The way I see it, if you're going to spend some of your precious time on Earth on this website, then you deserve to get me and my thoughts and not some generated drivel. I know I appreciate that of other writers, and I hope you appreciate that of me.

Lastly, I believe we need to keep parts of the internet human. We need real voices in our digital world. I'm going to keep doing my part.

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