
aka Another Routine Thursday

TL;DR; You're invited to join my Thursday evening routine of hanging out at the local pub.

As someone with AuDHD, I often have competing needs and desires.

On the one hand, my ADHD craves the stimulation of a good social hang, but hates the work of planning ahead for it. My ADHD isn't a big fan of getting my invitations turned down either. Thanks rejection sensitivity dysphoria!

On the other hand, my autism craves routine and gets tired of trying to make all the decisions involved with planning. I just want to know I'm going to roughly the same place, at the same time, doing something I want to do.

Considering those factors, the answer seems pretty obvious: start a new social routine. And thus, Another Routine Thursday, aka A.R.T., is born.

A.R.T. is a low-key gathering to hang or cowork together. Each Thursday, I'll take my laptop to a bar, and either people join and we hang out, or I get some work done. At the very least, I get out of the house and have a couple beers. Win-win for me.

If you're in the Portland area, I'd love for you to join me some time. For now, I'm going to Beer at 1410 SE Stark St at 7pm every Thursday. Come have a pint.

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