August 02, 2024
68 strokes bestowed

Composable Flourishes


If you’ve read my blog in recent history, then you’re probably aware that I’m a big fan of composition. There’s almost nothing you can’t solve with enough wrapping HTML elements, functions, or components.

One way that composition really shines is in adding “flourishes” around your UI, subtle animations that make the site feel less static and flat. Look at the boxes below fade in. Refresh the page if necessary to retrigger the animation.

Let’s build this effect as an Astro component to demonstrate how easy it can be.

Our component

We’re going to build a composable FadeIn component. We’ll be able to wrap any UI we want with it, and fade it in to view as it comes into the viewport. Let’s start by setting up the markup portion of the Astro component.

<div class="fade-in-element">
  <slot />

Yep. That’s it!

All we want to do is create a wrapping element for our content. Now, we’ll add a some styles to it that will be our animation.

<div class="fade-in-element">
  <slot />

  .fade-in-element {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: translateY(20px);
      opacity 0.5s ease-out,
      transform 0.5s ease-out;

  .fade-in-element.visible {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: translateY(0);

By default, our component isn’t visible. We’ll need to add the .visible class to it to change that. Let’s do that now.

/* same markup and styles... */

  const fadeInElements = document.querySelectorAll('.fade-in-element')

  const observer = new IntersectionObserver(
    entries => {
      entries.forEach(entry => {
        if (entry.isIntersecting) {
      threshold: 0.1,

  fadeInElements.forEach(element => {

With this script, we gather all the FadeIn components, observe them for intersecting the viewport, and add the .visible class when they come into view. We can tweak the threshold to adjust how much of the element must be in view to animate, and we can play with the styles to achieve different animations.

One last touch we might like to add is a delay for when several items are next to each other and we want their animations to cascade a bit.

To do this, we can add a delay prop to our component.

type Props = {
  delay?: number

const { delay = 0 } = Astro.props

<div class="fade-in-element" style={`transition-delay: ${delay}ms;`}>
  <slot />

Now, we can literally wrap anything in our app and get that subtle fade in animation. For example, the code for boxes at the top of this post looks like this:

<div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4">
    [0, 1, 2].map(num => (
      <FadeIn delay={num * 200}>
        <div class="aspect-square rounded-xl bg-accent" />

It’s not hard to imagine how you could replace the inner div with other components in your application.

Additional things to consider

I don’t always love being absolutely thorough in my blog posts. I think it can detract from the lesson to go down all the rabbit holes available. That said, I think there are two things to consider with these flourishes that are pretty important:


We can make the flourishes more accessible to those who don’t like screen motion by making a small change to our styles.

  .fade-in-element {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: translateY(0);

  @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
    .fade-in-element {
      opacity: 0;
      transform: translateY(20px);
        opacity 0.5s ease-out,
        transform 0.5s ease-out;

    .fade-in-element.visible {
      opacity: 1;
      transform: translateY(0);

This makes the element visible by default, but if they have no preference, applies the styles in the media query.

No JavaScript

This ones a bit more tricky, but you want to make sure your content is still visible if the user has JavaScript turned off. Here are the steps I would take to do that:

  • Add the class no-js to the html element
  • In the <head> element, add a small <script> that removes the no-js class
  • Update styles that would be affected by the presence of a no-js class

Wrap up

Composition gives us the opportunity to make some simple reusable flourishes that can add some pleasant movement to our sites. I encourage you to experiment with this technique for other things. Perhaps you can try scaling or rotations. The possibilities are almost endless, so have fun.

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Kyle Shevlin is the founder & lead software engineer of Agathist, a software development firm with a mission to build good software with good people.

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