May 24, 2022

Patterns for Functions with Conditionals


Recently, a tweet about wrapping for loops into functions inspired me to write a (hopefully) brief blog post on two common function patterns I use to handle conditional logic. Knowing how to write each pattern and knowing when to one or the other will help you wrangle complexity in your programs.

In the past, I’ve written about complexity and managing it, and one of the ways I believe we can do this effectively is through patterns. Now, I don’t think these patterns are revolutionary. They’ve been around for a ages and I’m not trying to take credit for them. That said, no one taught me these patterns in clear and succinct terms when I was learning to program either. My hope is to do that for you.

The “Single Mutable result” pattern

The first pattern we’re going to cover I call the “single mutable result” pattern. This function establishes a result variable, conditionally mutates it, and returns it. The skeleton of it looks like this:

function singleMutatedResult() {
  let result // = some default value

  if (condition1) {
    // result = some transformation or replacement

  if (condition2) {
    // result = some other transformation or replacement

  return result

This pattern is most useful when writing algorithmic code with conditions that transform the result. I think of them as additive requirements, as in, “If this condition exists, we make this additional change”. An example of this might be a function that calculates the total cost of an online purchase, like so:

function getTotalCost(price, quantity, tax, shipping) {
  let result = price * quantity

  if (tax) {
    result = result + result * tax

  if (shipping) {
    result = result + shipping

  return result

Notice that as we read the code, each condition leads to a transformation of the code, but we maintain the same result variable the whole time. At any place in the algorithm, we can log out result and get an idea of what we need to change to achieve the result we’re looking for.

The “Early Exit” pattern

This is essentially the opposite of the “single mutable result” pattern, but is very useful for code that has “short circuits”. The “early exit” pattern uses guard clauses in order to return as soon as possible from the function. Here is the skeleton of this pattern:

function earlyExit(...args) {
  if (condition1) return result1
  if (condition2) return result2

  // Do the work to calculate our final result and return it
  return result3

The “early exit” pattern is great for conditional code that may involve missing information or restricted access, situations where we can bail out of the function before doing other calculations. A practical example might be deriving a user’s name from a user object.

function getUserName(user) {
  if (!user) return null
  if (user.nickname) return user.nickname

  const [firstName] = user.fullName.split(' ')

  return firstName

In this example, if the user doesn’t exist, we can “short circuit” the function and exit early with a null value. The next condition we can use to exit early is if the user.nickname is set. Otherwise, we do the work of deriving the firstName from the user. The “early exit” pattern is great for code where we never want to do more work than absolutely necessary to get the desired result.

I think there are some characteristics of this pattern that are worth taking notice of. First, the guard clauses tend to be so succinct that I like to write them on a single line. Second, I have learned that some people struggle with code with early returns. Some languages don’t allow/recommend it, so be gentle with people who struggle with this pattern. Teach them the benefits of avoiding unnecessary calculations and they’ll come around.

What If…

Now, I want to be clear, both examples could be written with the other pattern, but they’d be awkward. I’m going to write them out, just to demonstrate. Let’s get our total cost again, but with the “early exit” pattern.

function getTotalCost(price, quantity, tax, shipping) {
  const initialCost = price * quantity

  if (!tax && !shipping) return initialCost
  if (tax && !shipping) return initialCost + initialCost * tax
  if (!tax && shipping) return initialCost + shipping

  // Logically this is tax && shipping
  return initialCost + initialCost * tax + shipping

Using the “early exit” pattern with this code had us repeating ourselves over and over. We even had to add another conditional since we couldn’t just skip the algorithmic step if it didn’t apply.

Now, let’s use “single mutable result” with our user’s name.

function getUserName(user) {
  let result = null

  if (user) {
    result = user.fullName.split(' ')[0]

  if (user?.nickname) {
    result = user.nickname

  return result

Using the “single mutable result” pattern to get our user’s name results in some very awkward transformations. Assuming we have a user, we always have to calculate the firstName even if ultimately we don’t use it. Why? Because the nickname supersedes the firstName and thus must overwrite the result value last. We also have to use the “optional chaining” operator, ?., because we still can’t be sure if we even have a user by the time we hit that condition. Lastly, it can be difficult to reason that between the setting of result to null and all those transformations that if result is still null, it means we have no user. It’s much clearer in the “early exit” example.


Writing conditional code can be challenging. Using the right pattern for the right reasons can make that challenge a lot easier. Get comfortable writing code with both patterns and you’ll see an improvement in the quality of your code.

Remember, the “single mutable result” is great for algorithmic code with transformational requirements. “If this condition is true, transform result to this new value”. The “early exit” pattern is great for code with short circuits. “If this condition is true, bail out with this value”.

Both are useful, and both have their place.

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Kyle Shevlin is the founder & lead software engineer of Agathist, a software development firm with a mission to build good software with good people.

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