- How I Would Use a UI Library
- Algorithm: Sliding Window
- Composable Flourishes
- Conway's Game of Life
- Creating a React Native “Curved Bottom Bar” with Handwritten SVG
- Dependency Injection and Default Parameters
- Discriminated Unions and Destructuring in TypeScript
- Encapsulation
- Facade Pattern
- Fun Coding Exercise: Pyramid Slide Down
- Generator Functions
- Helpful Debugging Hooks
- How I Built “Test Your Focus”
- How I Stumbled Upon Normalizing Redux State
- How to Use React Context Effectively
- How to Write Your Own JavaScript DOM Element Factory
- JavaScript: External Links in New Tabs
- Just Enough FP: Argument Order
- Just Enough FP: Composition
- Just Enough FP: Currying
- Just Enough FP: Higher Order Functions
- Just Enough FP: Immutability
- Just Enough FP: Partial Application
- Just Enough FP: Pointfree
- Just Enough FP: Pure Functions
- Just Enough Functional Programming Course Launch
- Memoization: What, Why, and How
- Mental Model of Use Effect
- Multiple Boolean Props are a Code Smell
- Never Call
new Date()
Inside Your Components - Parametric Design
- Pattern Matching in JavaScript
- Patterns for Functions with Conditionals
- Prefer Alphabetized Object Keys
- Prefer Multiple Compositions
- Prefer Explicit Maps
- Prefer Function Updaters in State Setters
- Prefer Noun-Adjective Naming
- Set Theory
- ShevyJS
- The Simulation Pattern
- The “Folded Code” Test
- Tic-Tac-Toe in React
- Two Types of Composition
- Typescript Prevents Bad Things... and Good Things
- Updating State with a Component
- useEncapsulation
- Use Old School State
- Comparing `useRef` and `useState`
- Using `React.memo` to Avoid Unnecessary Rerenders
- What are “Magic Values”?
- What is a Closure?
- What is a Factory Function?
- What is a Tuple?
- The Wrapped State Setter Pattern
- Zeno's Paradox of Infinite Loop Scrolling